Wednesday, March 25, 2009

What is a "rape kit"?

What is a "Rape Kit"?

A package containing envelopes for the collection of hair, sperm, and blood samples of a rape victims, as well as the official reporting forms.

A rape kit or sexual assault kit is a collection of items used by medical personnel to collect evidence following a sexual assault. The kit generally includes containers for fluid and tissue samples, as well as other forms of storage for physical evidence collected for use in criminal proceedings. A rape kit is generally made available at the emergency room of any hospital.

A rape kit is used in the event someone has been assulted or when a medical professional feels the need to do one it consists of a swipe of inside the vagina and other areas it collects any semen that may be in there.

I had a rape kit done when I was 13 and They swiped me inside and out, collected swipe from my underwear, finger nails, took pictures and stuff like that.

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