Monday, February 23, 2009

Rapes occur most when...?

Most Rapes occur in the first few weeks of school:

- 8 out of 10 rapes involve someone the victim knows & over half of the rapes are "date related"
- Often, relationship violence can be the prelude to sexual assault, while poor communication is also a contributor.
- "Alcohol can really confuse the situation," Sanders said. "If a woman is using alcohol, she really can't give consent."
- Legally, a woman under the influence of drugs and alcohol cannot give consent to sexual behavior.
- over half of campus sexual assaults involve the use of alcohol by the man, the woman, or both.

- Approximately 73% of rape victims know their assailants.

Rape is a criminal act of violence, using sex as a weapon. Men rape to express hostility and to dominate. Since most convicted rapists are married or have available sex partners, rape is not primarily a sexual experience. Men rape because it allows them to express anger and to feel powerful by controlling another person. Studies show that 50% of rapes are planned, not impulsive. This supports the view that rape is learned behavior and does not arise from biological need.

Rape is probably one of the most under reported crimes; researchers estimate that between 50 to 90% of rape cases go unreported.

Over 33% of rapes occur after an assailant has forced entry into a home; Over 50% of rapes occur in a residence.

Only 57% of rapes involve only one assailant. 16% involve 2 rapists and 27% involve 3 or more rapists.

Men, both heterosexual and homosexual, can be and are raped -- usually by other men. 1 in 6 boys are victims of sexual assault before the age of 18.

Rape is an act of VIOLENCE, not passion. it is an attempt to hurt and humiliate, using sex as the weapon.

No one asks to be a victim of sexual violence . . . it can happen to anyone (both male and female) - children, grandmothers, students, working women, mothers, wives, the rich and poor. Rapists tend to prey on women who look vulnerable, appear to be easily intimidated, or seem to be daydreaming.

Rape often occurs in one's home - be it apartment, house or dormitory. Very often the rapist is known by the victim in some way and the rape is carefully planned.

Most rapists rape again, and again, and again - until caught.

INDOORS You Should:

- Don't prop open self-locking doors ! it may be a hassle, but the security's worth it.
- Lock your door (and your windows), even if you leave for a few minutes. Don't leave an OPEN invitation.
- Watch your keys --- don't lend them - Don't leave them - Don't lose them - and Don't put your name and address on your key ring.
- Watch out for unwanted visitors - know who's on the other side of the door before you open it.
- Watch those isolated spots - labs, locker rooms, pedestrian tunnels, especially late at night. Go with a friend. Call the OU HSC Police at Extension 1+4911, and advise that you are in the building, and you would like to be checked on periodically by an officer, or you would like to have an officer escort you.
- Uninvited guests? Demand they leave, or you leave quickly and call the police.

OUTDOORS You Should:

- Avoid walking or jogging alone, especially at night. Vary your route; stay in well-traveled, well lighted areas.
- Have your key ready before you reach the door-home, car, office, or dorm.
- Park your car in a well-lighted area, and lock it - even if your only going to be inside a building for a few minutes.
- Drive on well-traveled streets - with your doors, and windows locked and up.
- Never pick up a hitchhiker - it's very risky business - no matter how nice they seem and look.
- Keep your car in good shape with plenty of gas in the tank.
- In case of car trouble - on campus use a Lot Telephone, or cellular phone to notify the OU HSC - Police - raise the hood, lock the doors - windows up. Off-campus, hood up - doors and windows locked and up - place a "Help, call police" banner in the rear window, then call for assistance if you have a cellular phone.

Rape has become the fastest growing, most under-reported, and least punished crime in the United States. "It is legally defined as sexual intercourse by forcible compulsion." (23) The FBI estimates that only one in ten rapes are ever reported to the police, and of those reported 50% of the rapists are arrested.

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